Thursday, May 5, 2011

How to choose Description to our websites?

I would like to discuss about SEO in this blog which is helping for all the newbies who need the details about to make the good description for their websites.  If you want to get real seo tips to get more ideas about online business to get more traffic to your website.

How Google crawl our Websites?

Description is the main criteria to catch websites when Google crawl your website.  So you should have write competitive keywords in this right area in your description which are covering your niche words.  Also you should decide the competitive keyword phrase in the description for your website which were already searched by the people or which are searching by the people in the current situation.  Google needs good description in your html source page and also it will be helping you to understand what site you have and which is your niche to be crawled by search engine.

How to create a site description?

Your description length which is equal or less than 200 character which should not be keywords, keyword phrase.  So you should write a short description which should have equal or less than 200 characters.  It will be helping you to identify your websites niche and dynamic description to be crawled by search engine to reach the right area in the searching area by the people.  Description is the best identification after the title of your website.  So you should have write content in the description which may help you to search by crawlers.

1 comment:

  1. here i learned a lot about website description and you have shared great knowledge about this concept.Register a Domain
